
성실성과 충성의 윤리

일산테스 2015. 10. 31. 17:30

The conception of loyalty inspired by trust    

   Loyalty is primarily a function of trust, and trust is usually given if integrity is perceived in the object of one's trust.……This conception of loyalty is one of loyalty inspired by trust, where that trust resides in the moral integrity of the commander.……This trust can serve to close the gap between the values of the soldier and his commander, for trust creates a sympathetic attitude and a propensity to obey. If you trust someone, you give him the benefit of doubt when it comes to doing what he tells you to.

   Thus the soldier of a democracy can remain a moral agent, ultimately responsible for his actions, and can at the same time obey the orders of a person he trusts, on the presumption that the orders are legally and morally correct.……Himmler's Epitaph: "My loyalty is my honor"―my loyalty resides in a man of integrity, to whom I give my trust.

- Michael O. Wheeler. "Loyalty, Honor, and the Modern Military."

"The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office." "You do not lead by hitting people over the head. That's assault, not leadership. ."

- U. S. Gen. & President Dwight David Eisenhower

Integrity: lifelong commitment to doing what's right-legally, morally and professionally. ① Separating what's right from what's wrong. ② Always acting according to what you know to be right, even at personal cost. ③ Saying openly you're acting on your  understanding of right versus wrong.
- U.S Army FM 22-100. Army Leadership, 1999. 6

1. 육사교훈 '仁'(Integrity)의 의미
2. 미 육해공군사관학교 'Integrity'


"리더십이란 성실하고 고결한 성품 그 자체다. 리더십이란 잘못된 것에 대한
책임은 자신이 지고, 잘된 것에 대한 공로는 부하에게 돌릴 줄 아는 것이다".
3. USNA Honor Concept
4. 기러기 리더십(http://www.youtube.com/embed/Dow2B01LENY)
5. 리더십은 팀워크 극대화 능력이다.
6. 어머니의 사랑(No Charge)




