
리더(장교)의 순준차이

일산테스 2009. 3. 16. 09:29



  4대 유형의 리더십 스타일

    (1) 똑부형(the clever and industrious)  (2) 똑게형(the clever and lazy)

    (3) 멍부형(the stupid and industrious)  (4) 멍게형(the stupid and lazy)

"I divide my officers into four classes as follows: the clever, the industrious, the lazy, and the stupid. Each officer always possesses two of these qualities. Those who are clever and industrious I appoint to the General Staff. Use can under certain circumstances be made of those who are stupid and lazy. The man who is clever and lazy qualifies for the highest leadership posts. He has the requisite nerve and the mental clarity for difficult decisions. But whoever is stupid

and industrious must be got rid of, for he is too dangerous."

Gen. Freiherr von Hammerstein-Equord (German Army pre World War 1)
LTC. Keith E. Bonn, Army Officer's Guide(48th edition, 1999) . p. 94.



4 대 유형의 리더십 스타일 링크로 보기!



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